Magpies, 1912Knife Thrower’s Assistant, 1924Dear Lady Can You Hear the Wind Blow, 1922The One You Meet at the Crossroads is Yours Alone, 1912Dog Boy, 1911Not My Ninth Life, 1912Catching the Earth, 1914Costume Party, 1914Do You Know My Name, Are You Dreaming Too? 1911It is Willed Where What is Willed is Done, 1919Pin Feathers, 1923Stumbling Around in the Light, 1930Same Room, Different MomentsTiger My Tiger, 1911The Sun’s Progress Across the Face of the Sky, 1922What Fates You Have Been Spared, 1932The Acrobat, 1925The World Will Always Welcome Lovers, 1938Still Life with Reflected Drama, After Manichoux, 1915The Sun, 1916 (Ocean Version)The Sun, 1916 (Window Version)