A Song for a Whale, 1924

I was about to say “Welcome to 2019!” but then I realized it’s March already. 2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year.

I have a number of new paintings which will be showing soon (see below and above). One of the things I’m working on this year is getting more comfortable working large. I’ve been working on the biggest, most detailed paintings I’ve ever done. I just completed a 24 x 18 inch painting (which is large for me) and plan to make more before the year is out.

Benz & Chang has been invited to show at Arcadia Contemporary in Los Angeles. Arcadia features the kind of work that I do (realistic figurative painting), and they have an outstanding stable of artists, including Stephen Mackey, Aron Wiesendfeld, and Shaun Downey. When I first emailed them, I didn’t even think that I would hear back, much less get an invite. This is a huge milestone for Benz & Chang. I’m over the moon to be showing in such a great gallery in one of the major art centers of the world. Details on this show, below.

I started creating my own walnut ink late last year, and am now using it exclusively. I’ve been curious about working with sumi ink (which is a traditional black ink made of pine soot) and am experimenting with different brands to find something I like. It needs to be non-waterproof, and almost all of them are the opposite. Look for more on this soon.

I’m excited to be having my first Solo Show at Guardino Gallery this year. Guardino Gallery, Portland OR – May 30 through June 23, 2019. Opening Reception Last Thursday, May 30, 2019, 6-9 PM

As mentioned above, I’ll be showing for the first time at Arcadia Contemporary in their “Five and Under” group show. Arcadia Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA – Opening Reception Saturday, August 17th, 2019, 6 – 9 PM

Two years ago, painter Jill McVarish and I teamed up to do a show entitled “Night at the Haunted Big Top” at RiverSea Gallery in Astoria, Oregon. It was a blast! I had to push myself as a painter to be up to par with an artist of her calibre. This year, we’re going to team up again, and I’m challenging myself even more. Benz & Chang with Jill McVarish “Night at the Natural History Museum”RiverSea Gallery, Astoria OR – October 12 through November 3, 2019. Opening Reception Saturday, October 12, 5 – 8 pm

As the year goes on, I’ll be announcing other shows and hope to have more news to share soon. Hopefully about a grant that I applied for recently.

On a side note, I’ve been avoiding Facebook lately. If you want to see more Benz & Chang updates, connect with me on Instagram.

Thank you for coming along and being part of Benz & Chang in 2019.


Liz · March 12, 2019 at 1:38 PM

I will have to get down to LA and check out that show!!

    Benz · March 12, 2019 at 1:49 PM

    Sounds good! I’ll be there for the opening, plus a few days after. It would be great to see you.

Melissa Kojima · March 12, 2019 at 9:37 PM

Whoo hoo! Way to go!
I’m so excited for you. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. You deserve them!

    Benz · March 13, 2019 at 10:29 AM

    Thank you!

Ellen · June 2, 2019 at 9:07 AM

Saw your show in Portland and was totally knocked out! they are something quite more interesting than photorealist in my humble opinion (although I suppose it is possible that all the photos you used were that genuinely weird). Meanwhile what I really want to know is: why Benz and Chang?

    Benz · June 2, 2019 at 3:39 PM

    Thank you for your very kind comments! I do what I call “fake vintage photos.” While I do use photos for reference material, I don’t use very weird photos for it. Benz and Chang is my fictional photo studio. Chang is a stuffed cat.

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